more inspiration than precedent, the Hatchery

I really like the idea of a flexible space with mobile walls or rooms within rooms: structures within structures that could be moved....especially a mobile cafe cart.

Designgalleriet by
Form Us With Love
*also take a look at Mansize Mekano project on their website

the Dutch Invertuals
Salone del Mobile 2009

image from edhv weblog
more info. & video of space at the Dutch Invertuals 

Droog store New York by Jurgen Bey
image from

by Hella Jongerius
for IM Cologne

BHV Paris
design by Matali Crasset
images from Metropolis

molo design
soft wall

Oribe Tea House
by Kengo Kuma 
image from

Roc Apeldoorn
by Jurgen Bey

classrooms are defined/ created/ joined by curtains of varying lengths

images from

Cloud Land 
Yoshimasa Tatsumi

image from

1 comment:

Lily Glover said...

You are absolutely right! "Cloud land" is magical and very cool inspiration for this Hatchery project. I wish my apartment looked like that ((sigh)). Thanks for the advice!